What's the most expensive thing you've lost?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. I just lost something so expensive and bro I'm mad as fuq😭
  2. What did you lose
  3. I lost my in game mothers love and blessings coz of a noob reseller and for someone who is now a favourite pet of her by destroying my image and climb the top floor of success buy stepping his foot on my chest. 🙃
  4. Love? Gf? Balls?🙊
  5. Lmao what?
  6. I lost my phone once for like a day. Then another time that i lost my phone n spent like 30mins looking for it n it was in my hand the entire time 😂
  7. Tell me that grugs name slowly🤣
  8. What
  9. I lost my hope for humanity during this pandemic :oops:
  10. Lost my trumpet once when I was in high school. Left it on the bus by accident in the afternoon.
    Luckily the bus depot held onto it and we got it back from them.
    I think it was worth like $200.
  11. Yall, they said expensive 💸💸💸