What's on your copy and paste?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *oOoOAshleyOoOo (01), Dec 30, 2011.

  1. Yes, I know it's useless, I know it's a repeat, but what's on your copy and paste?

    Mine is:
  2. So  as some of u know me and Laura have Been dating for a wile and I finally decided to propose 

    now the reason I preposed was because laura preposed to gene so I took the hint Laura wanted to get married but I crashed her plan's and preposed to her early  witch surprisingly she did not expect (sneaky me) but she said yes 

    Now of course there going to be a wedding war on 14th of jan it's going to end the 15th  so it's only a 24hr war

    The batch party will be on 13th so we need strippers  and party people

    The stat req is only 20 kcs and
  3.  hahaha that's mine
  4. This is mine:

  5. It's as easy as 1, 2, 3, do you see what I do
    Truth or dare, yes I double dare you
    What do you mean, now I think I got it
    One last breath and just spin the bottle now
  6. Say you dont mind
    You'll be fine
    You won't be counting on me

    Don't save me Now
    Let me drown
    I'll let you down and you'll

    Wait for the end, for the fall, succumb to all of this

    -She's waiting, she is waiting for the end of all this, what its worth
    He's standing, he is standing before all of the things that never came undone-

    Leave, make a scar,nevermind, full of fear

    Seek for the truth, me and you, sorrow and pleasure

    Look for the flaw , endless hurt
    Hopeless ending

    -She's waiting, she is waiting for the end of all this, what its worth
    He's standing, he is standing before all of the things that never came undone-

    -She's waiting, she is waiting for the end of all this what its worth
    He's standing, he is standing before all of the things that never came undone-

    She is laying, shes laying on the floor
    He's standing, he's standing all alone

    o_O wow
  7. Dj_woody is active. Volley him.
  8. The TOU (terms of use) are the guidelines of the game. If you break the TOU you can be silenced (see silenced) or banned.
  9. 01000001 01110011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01101001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01111000 01000100
  10. I know you like Fan Fictions! I was wondering if you could read my story Evanesce Of Moonlight. Thanks alot! -Melly

    Thats mine
  11. The destination in question, was a large, you guessed it, gray institution with the menace of a prison. It's gigantic, iron wrought gates were to be feared by all who gazed upon it. It signaled you weren't getting out. There were kids in the courtyard. Early birds. They were separated into two distinct groups. Creative and Standard. I didn't want to be separated from my brother. I did all there was to be done. I threw my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. It was a very intimate thing. He returned the gesture, surprised. He gave me a quick farewell and allowed me to get pushed, pulled, prodded, and poked over to the Creative side. The Creative children seemed...more colorful, I guess some might say. I recognized the boy that lived in the same unit. He had light brown hair that reflected in the sun. It stuck up a little in the front in a manner my great grandmother described as attractive. He had powder blue eyes, often with a faraway expression in them. He wore the same uniform, Silver and Green. I greeted him with a wave as Great Grandmother had taught us both. She had taken to him, Nikolas, almost instantly. He smiled that faraway smile. "Hello Paige." he said softly. If it were another time, another place, under different circumstances, we might have been romantically interested. But romanticism died long ago. That did not loosen the knot in the pit of my stomach when he spoke to me in such a manner. Quietly, I smiled.
    "Hello Nikolas."
    "I trust everything is okay?" his eyes clouded with worry. He missed Great Grandmother too.
    "Yes. It's gotten better."
    He smiled, ridiculously happy to see I was alright. I looked around, hoping they weren't around.
    "They are breaking up a couple of offenders." he smiled again. Sometimes, I wondered about that boy. "Offenders? Again?" I grinned. The ones whom chose to go against the word of the Government and have wills of their own. Almost always Creatives, they did everything to defy what they would inevitably become. They loved and they sang and they smiled freely, denying the fact they would become slaves to to tyrannical, judgmental government that ruled over lives and struck fear deep into the souls of the populace. The sad truth was that they were the government embodied in young people.

    D: 
  12. I killed it 
  13. I like whatever that it
  14. *is. excuse me typo.
  15. Next day,Amy and Joshua was in class early.The bell rang slowly and everybody ran out to lunch,until Mrs.Byrd called for Amy again.

    "Amy!"She shouted,and Amy turned around to go talk to Mrs.Byrd.

    "Yes Mrs.Byrd?"Amy asked innocently.

    "You've been behaving right?"Mrs.Byrd said smiling.

    "Yes Mrs.Byrd."Amy smiled.

    "Well,I want you to go to the principal's office and Mr.Johnson will tell you something important."Mrs.Byrd said softly.

    "Okay.Thank you Mrs.Byrd."Amy walked away to the principal's office excited.When she got there,she saw Joshua sitting down on a chair,and he grinned at Amy.

    "Are you Ms.Xander?"The principal asked smiling.

    "Yes."Amy answered sitting down.

    "Well,I'm sending you to another class."The principal said still smiling.

    "Who's class?"Amy asked looking at Joshua.

    "I want you to go with Joshua.He's in the same class with u now."The principal said grinning.Amy looked at Joshua and smiled too.

    "Joshua,would you like to introduce yourself to Ms.Xander?"The principal said.

    "We already introduced ourselves."Joshua said smiling at Amy.

    "Oh,okay.Well,you kids go to lunch now."The principal said standing up.

    Amy and Joshua stood up from their chairs,walked out,and Joshua looked at Amy.

    "See you later?"He asked getting his backpack on the floor.

    "Sure."Amy said smiling.

    "Okay."Joshua walked away and Amy was just standing in the hallway.


    Joshua walked to lunch when a guy friend of Ashley came up to him.

    "You Ashley's boyfriend?"The guy asked slowly.

    "Ex-boyfriend.Why?"Joshua said trying to get out of the guy's way,but he stopped him."Uhm..Can you get out of my way?"

    "Ashley misses you and doesn't want you to be dating a girl name Ally?"The guy said clenching a fist.

    "Amy.And I'm not dating her.I just told Ashley that yesterday."Joshua said still trying to get out of his way.

    "Look,just get back together with her or else."The guy said getting angry.

    "Or else what?"Joshua said raising up an eyebrow.The guy came closer and closer to Joshua and punched him until Amy and Sean came and saw what was happening,so Amy and Sean ran where the guy and Joshua was fighting.
    "Leave him alone whatever your name is!"Amy yelling and trying to help Joshua stand up but the guy wouldn't let her.

    "Dude!Just let him go or your going to be in big trouble!"Sean stood up for Joshua until the guy let go of him and looked at Sean.

    "Really?"The guy said clenching up his fists.Now Sean was scared.

    "Just leave him alone you big jerk!"Amy shouted at the guy,so he looked at her and was angry.

    "You can't stop me."He said turning red.Sean stood up again for Amy and Joshua and he was really really angry!

    "Leave them alone!Your like a big baby!"Sean said insulting the guy while Amy was helping Joshua up.

    "Fine.Next time,your going to be in trouble."The guy walked away angrily and still clenching up his fists.Sean looked at Amy and Joshua.Amy was still helping Joshua up and Sean laughed.

    "Seems like you guys have a big crush on each other."Sean laughed softly,and Amy looked at him seriously.

    "Just go to your table Sean!"Amy hissed.

    "Okay,okay."Sean turned and walked away to his table.

    This wasmy copy and paste
  16. Doodle 
  17. OriginsNMLHauntingJoin CRACKDOWNMIN 1M/ 600K hansel 

    That's my copy and paste  KaW clan recruiting.
  18. [​IMG]

    That's what was on mine