What's been going on?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by __Spitfire__, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. I've went inactive for a while, for experimental purposes. Since Ive been gone Ive noticed many changes withing the 5 months of inactivity. Can someone give me a brief summary of what's been going on?
    (Old time player so feel free to use PIMD terms)
  2. Cat cafe take over pimd
  3. ⇧Wat he said
  4. Lol, always had since it came out. Still thirsty people on WC asking for carats and cat parties?
  5. Rp took over
  6. She took over 
  7. The usual minus the new stuff the devs put out
  8. Most new players are into rp and they dont even know how to do it they dont upgrade and there are now Cat Cafe clubs so many people thirsty for money
  9. Ata money screwing cunts who have messed the game up

    Truesay its theres to mess up but i dont like it i still play as im finishing what i started