what was you favorite GBA game?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rehab_Mexi_khan, Nov 27, 2014.

  1. Please only post GBA games
  2. Hmmm probably scooby Doo or lord of the rings
  3. Joist?

    what is gba?

  4. A GBA is a short term for Game Boy Advanced Games. I'm sure everyone one has had one once or at least used it once or even seen it when they were kids.

    My favorite game was Donkey Kong Country for the GBA. I still have it but I don't use it.

    Believe it or not GBA games are still made/sold today. Mainly for DS but they do have it acessable for GBA.

  5. Pokemon definitely pokemon though Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories wasn't too bad.
  6. Pokemon always and I still play it on my GBA emulator
  7. I was a massive fan of the pokemon games, and I also loved donkey kong country! ️?
  8. What other games were like Pokemon?
  9. Digimon was like pokemon but not as fun. More work to get 1 digimon.
  10. I remember playing Pokemon and Tetris on the gba lol 
  11. Definitely Pokemon, but anything Kirby was decent as well.
  12. Donkey Kong and Sonic
  13. This Finding Memo one and the guy with the whip in some castle, I could never get past level 4 on that
  14. So there was a game just called digimon? The only one I found was diginon battle spirits