What makes you a PIMD addict!!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xx_DiamondGoddess_xX, Sep 23, 2011.

  1. I think I have a problem!!! Is there AA classes for PIMD players? lol I would say Im on PIMD 90% of my day if I'm not working. Good thing I dont have kids! ahaha otherwise they would starve... !
  2. Your a PIMD expert so I have a question. If your silenced how or when do you get unsilenced
  3. You get silenced for 24hrs!! thats basically it. On the 3rd time its permanent. 
  4. club chat makes me addicted
  5. Im addicted cause of my best friend!!!
  6. People and all the chats and war make pimd addicting
  7. I think the abs are what have addicted many people I know.

  8. Natalie101 makes me addicted
  9. I'm not addicted.
  10.  Forums. And stories. And noob fights. About everything. 

    I'm on everday. I'm on so much my mom threatens to take my phone away. 
  11. Yea I'm perma silenced go addiction to mistakes woot I can go back to kaw again
  12. I love the ppl!!:)
  13. when i first wake up,. i get on pimd. while im falling asleep im on pimd, and while im cooking, driving, on the phone, and going to the bathroom. ahahaha Dont judge me!
  14. Hey chloe, tell ur mom ur quitting Pimd and that u'll probably be going into a state of depression for a couple of months and cant be bothered. Then you can play mom free for a couple months and no hassle!!! lol Just a thought.