What happened?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri_, Jun 30, 2012.

  1. Here's a new story! I know that I have a lot of other uncompleted fics but new ideas keep popping into my head, hope you like it.

    -Normal pov-

    Harry groaned as the sun shone through the gaps of the curtain and onto his face. Stupid sun, he thought. The seventeen year old boy shivered as a slight gust of wind entered through a gap in the window and hit his body. With eyes closed, Harry reached for his blanket but instead, his hand made contact with something soft and squishy?

    What the-? The young boy thought as he opened his eyes. Why the hell am I naked? Harry looked down to find his clothes scattered on the ground along with other clothing that seem oh so familiar to him. He then remembered to thing held in his hand and squeezed it again.

    This can't be my pillow…right? He asked himself. Then a soft moan from beside him snapped him out of his thoughts. Harry turned, only to find himself looking into a pair of shocked olive-brown eyes.


    'WAAAAAAH!' the other person screamed so loudly that Harry sworn that he had gone deaf for a second. 'Ha-Ha-Harry? What are you doing in my room?' Melissa shrieked, then looked down, only to find herself stark naked.


    Harry covered his poor ears and glared at the brunette but also found himself roaming his crimson coloured eyes over her luscious body. She had grown from a cute and funny ten year old to a sweet and sexy sixteen year old.

    'Y-you pervert, stop staring at me!' Melissa stammered, grabbing the entire blanket to wrap around her body. Unfortunately, her action had caused her to reveal Harry's naked right in front of her eyes.

    'WAAAAAAH!' Poor Harry, having to endure three ear piercing screams emitted from the brunette. 'My eyes, my poor virgin eyes!'

    Melissa covered her eyes and shook her head furiously, trying to get the image of Harry naked out of her mind. But it only seemed to make her dizzy. Harry sweat dropped, despite the fact that he was just as shocked as she is.

    How did this happen? He wondered.

    Then the images of last night's party came to his mind.
  2. - Harry's Flashback-
    'Happy birthday, Daniel!' everyone said happily, especially a hyper sixteen year old brunette. Melissa walked up to the blonde haired teen happily with a gift held tightly in her hands.

    'Happy birthday, Daniel!' she chirped, handing him the present.

    Daniel accepted it with a smile. 'Thank you, Melissa,' he said, un-wrapping his gift.

    The Animal lover sweat dropped at the present. A pair of blue rabbit ears?

    'T-thank you,' he said, not looking up from the embarrassing gift.

    Melissa grinned. 'I thought that you looked great with the pink ones so I decided to get you blue ones too!' she said, recalling how Daniel had worn pink rabbit ears five years back at the School Festival.

    Lily was next to give him a gift.
    'Here,' she said, handing him a rectangular shaped present.

    Daniel muttered a 'thanks' under his breath before hastily tearing open the gift. He hoped that it wasn't as embarrassing as the last one, but it seems that luck was not on his side today. It was a photo album, but it was filled with pictures that Lily secretly took.

    'Aw, you look so cute, Daniel!' Melissa cooed at the picture of Daniel dancing.

    Daniel blushed from both embarrassment and anger.

    'Lily!' he shouted at the photographer, who just smirked in response.

    While everyone danced and talked, a certain boy was sitting on a chair close to the window with a book on his face.

    "Harry," a sweet voice said, waking him up from his nap. The book slid down to reveal crimson colored eyes looking bored.

    'What do you want, little girl?' he asked with a slight frown.

    Melissa twitched in anger. 'I'm not a little girl!' she argued.


    Then without warning, the brunette pulled Harry up by the wrist.

    'Hey, what are you doing?' the young boy nearly shouted, as he was hauled up by Melissa.

    Melissa dragged him all the way to the dance floor and turned to face him with a grin. 'Let's dance, Harry,' she said.

    Harry glared at her and turned around. 'I refuse.'

    The brunette pouted cutely. 'Aw, but why!' she wined. 'Please.' She gave him a cute puppy dog look as soon as he turned to face her.

    Harry's eye twitched slightly at the cuteness. He refused to surrender to this girl. But Melissa's expression was just so…so…CUTE.

    Ten minutes later…

    Harry found himself dancing with the hyperactive girl.

    He frowned. I'm never going to fall for that again, he thought annoyed.

    Melissa let out a tired sigh. 'I'm thirsty,' she stated and turned to Harry. 'Do you want a drink?'


    Melissa took that as a yes and disappeared and returned two minutes later with two glasses of punch in her hands.

    'Here you go, Harry!'

    The crimson-eyed boy accepted the drink without saying thanks. Melissa didn't bother to annoy him about it seeing as how she knew that he wouldn't say anything else throughout the entire party. So the two quiet teens just sat there silently while drinking their drinks.
  3. Use quotation marks for dialogue... E.E That is all.
  4. Harry's eyes widened in realization; it must have been the drinks. Turning around to face the loud brunette, he then asked in a serious tone.

    "Who was the one that handed you the drinks last night?" Harry said as Melissa stopped her yelling and turned towards Harry with a confused expression shown on her face "Huh?"

    Harry sighed, showing that he was clearly annoyed. "Don't make me repeat myself," he said impatiently.

    Melissa got into a thinking position by sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. It seems that she had forgotten that she is naked. The blanket around her body slowly began to slide off and Harry hastily turned around with a blush.

    "Um, let me think…oh yeah, I remember now!" she said, grabbing Harry's attention.

    "Who?" he asked with his back towards her.

    Melissa frowned. "It's rude to not face the person you're talking to" she said.

    "Oh, so want me to see your naked body?" Harry teased her with a smirk. "You perverted girl.

    "Huh?" Melissa didn't know what he was talking about, that is until the cool wind travelled through the window and hit her body. The girl's jaw dropped. Her eyes widened as well when she saw that Harry had started to turn and face her direction.

    "No, don't look!" she shouted, hastily covering her body up. "Now you can look."

    Harry snickered slightly before turning around to face the brunette, who was blushing bright red. "I wouldn't worry about that if I was you," he started. "No one would want to see your ugly body anyways."

    Melissa's face got even redder from both embarrassment and anger. "HARRY!"she shouted. No doubt that the whole school had heard that.

    "Back to the topic," the raven haired boy said. "Who gave you the drinks?" Harry said, starting to sound slightly impatient.

    Melissa blinked. 'Daniel. Why do you asked?"

    Daniel, of all people it was Daniel? Harry thought with anger. How could his best friend betray him like that? He has a lot of explaining to do.

    He quickly hopped off the bed, ignoring Melissa's shrieks and shouts. Harry quickly put his clothes on and turned to face the loud mouth brunette.

    "Hurry up and get dressed.......little girl" he said, tossing her panties that were lying on the ground.
    "Harry, you pervert!" she shouted at the retreated back of the crimson eyed boy.
  5. Lol I love it
  6. Harry made his way towards his classroom, glaring at every single person who dared to look him in the eye. Despite the experience of seeing Melissa naked in front of his very eyes, he was not in a very happy mood. First he woke up to find the girl screaming her head off and then he found out that his best friend had betrayed him. No doubt that Daniel would be in a lot of trouble when he finds him.

    "Harry!' a girl's voice said.

    Harry turned around to see three girls running up to him at full speed. He noticed that all three of them had teary eyes. Not that he cared.

    'Is it true?' a blonde sniffled, looking at him with large teary blue eyes.

    'What are you talking about?' he asked annoyed.

    'Is it true that you and that bitch are going out?' this time it was a girl with dark red hair who asked.

    Harry raised an eyebrow at this. Huh?

    The last girl, who had straight black hair, got out a photo and showed it to him, as tears dropped from her eyes.

    Harry's eyes widened. It was a photo of Melissa and him making out? Now he knows that not only Dabiel is responsible but another as well. There could only be one person who is brave enough to take this picture. LILY .

    "W-why would go out with a slut like her?" the black haired girl said angrily.

    Before she knew it, the photo in her hands was grabbed and torn by Harry

    "Rachel, are you alright?" the red haired asked the black haired girl now know as Rachel.

    'I'm fine, Christie,' Rachel said, staring at Harry who is walking away. "I won't let that girl have my Harry" she muttered to herself.

    The blonde girl wiped away her tears and turned to Rachel. "W-what do you plan to do?" she asked.

    Rachel turned her back towards the blonde and Christie. "I don't know, Angie, but I will make that bitch pay for messing around with my Harry"

    Christie nodded but Angie looked slightly unsure.

    "Are you sure that that's a good idea, Rachel?"Angie asked the black haired girl.

    Rachel gave her a cold glare. 'Are you questioning me?' she asked in a threatening tone.

    'N-no, but-'

    'Good, that's all I need to hear,' Rachel stated, cutting the blonde off.

    She clenched her fist angrily and looked down at the ground with a frown. 'I'm going to make you pay, Melissa' she laughed evilly

    - black headed girl = Rachel
    -Blonde headed girl = Angie
    -Red headed girl = Christie 

    Hope you liked it 
  7. I love it lol
  8. This is so good!! Bump!!!
  9. Are you ever going to update this?
  10. -Melissa's pov-

    "Hurry up and get dressed.......little girl" he said, tossing my panties that were lying on the ground.
    "Harry, you pervert!" I shouted at the retreated back of the crimson eyed boy.

    "Harry...wait" I whispered but it seemed like Harry had heard and now is facing me.

    "Did...did we......Uh you know?" I blushed whilst covering my face with my fingers.

    "No shit Sherlock" he replied, turning and leaving me dorm.

     I'm gonna die... I'm gonna die, dad is going to kill me.....and at sixteen....I don't wanna die young.

    Ugh...."What time is it?" I blurted as I glanced up at the green closet wall "9:06am" shit shit shit...now I'm not only gonna die once but the stupid maths teacher is going to bring me back to life and kill me again.

    I ran to my closet and picked out my clean purple polkadot panties and the matching bra..and searched for my uniform.

    Oh shit...need to have a shower...I quickly grabbed my spiderman towel and ran out towards the girls showers....which is in the girls dorm room.

    -10mins after shower-

    I quickly got changed into the school uniform. I really hate this uniform, it shows the figure of the girl....which really upsets me because some girls get teased...like me by Harry.

    The school uniform has a tight white school shirt, a brown skirt which goes up to your knees but sometimes some girls forget that and wear it right beneath their ass...-shivers-

    Long white socks under your knees and a red bow tie. But I usually wear a jumper on top...because blazers are expensive....and I'm not from a rich family. I really life the jumper it doesnt show your curves.

    I walked in front of the mirror and began to blow dry it. After I finished, I tied my hair into two ponytails....because my mother loved my hair like this.

    I picked up my phone and checked the time again "Shit 10:03am not only am I late but I just missed second period" I squealed and began to run to the door.

    "Ouch" I stopped running and feel to the ground.
  11. Oops  "Fell"