What happen when you change you name

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *vnio (01), Jul 10, 2011.

  1. When you go to the page with the nurse
  2. Your name changes 
  3. Casper is lying you can only change name by paying 20 extra credits to do so. You can also by extra credit and doctor's notes from the nurse and also use them there.
    The Helper
  4. Wtf warrior how is he lying? The question was "What happens when you change your name?" and casper said "your name changes"
  5. Thread title 'what happens when you change your name'. Answer: your name changes. Please explain how that's a lie oh wise one. I never stated how it worked....
  6. Thanks beast! I'm female FYI 
  7. Ready for big reply from Warrior...
  8. Ready for an apology from warrior....
  9.  I watched a movie once
  10. I've never seen a movie
  11. I've watched one too
  12. W T H ? ! ?
  13. Worlds oldest thread
