
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jalapeno, Apr 15, 2019.

  1. Welp idk tbh
  2. Did you remake this 
  3. No it's not the same wording on the description just there's no way this can be locked by a mod unless I ask for it
  4. Uh huh totally
  5. Ohai i am also unsure
  6. Mods b hating
  7. Watch her lock it regardless
  8. Probably will
  9. Welp
  10. Welp
  11. Does anyone remember seeing where someone started a thing in pub about guys getting vacuums to suck them? It was at least around 2 months ago maybe more
  12. No, but I'm listening
  13. Oh I started it but yeah it was like a 20 minute thing then someone tried to recreate it the next day like you cant recreate goodness
  15. You can try
  16. For one day wym
  17. "My girl is a dishwasher. She's so good at cleaning and squirts on me every night"

    "Oh you think ur so cool... Gotta be the billionth time someone's compared their gf to a dishwasher, you misogynistic brick.
    My girl is a vacuum cleaner...

    I don't have time for women, crockery, cutlery, or glasswear."
  18. Sterling Archer is on pimd? Darn vacuums, that's why we can't get all the good humans.