Weird childhood?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HentaiWithSenpai, Jun 13, 2019.

  1. This is kinda of mess up story

    I remember back in 4th grade we were having an class vs class talentshow and everyone was throwing ideas et cetera and being from a small town school in the middle of nowhere on a native reservation our crazy teacher suggested we do an native American dance group but not really thinking about she suggested we dress all white, paint ourselves white and wear masks that were painted white being young we didn't see anything wrong with it but lastly i would say this was the cherry on top the group name would be Koo Klux Klan we made signs and the whole shazam... Not thinking twice we went out and performed our show not thinking something was wrong and now thinking about it... I'd say it was extremely racist and I wonder what the parents reactions was... To this day that same teacher still works there and i don't know whenever to laugh or cry about the ordeal of how messed up that was..

    Has anyone else experience stuff like this?
  2. sounds like the blue man group to me?
  3. Are you sure that was the absolute WEIRDEST part of your school/childhood experience? I'd argue that an obvious absence in English Composition in their curriculum is even weirder.
    All jokes aside, if that seemingly never ending sentence is true,then that is pretty messed up.

  4. i would say English wasn't my best subject but it was math I sucked at
  5. Who needs math anyway? We have calculators for that.

  6. True but mainstream schools couldn't teach me as much as an charter school tbh xD
  7. tl;dr but cool
  8. tl;dr: racism is alive and well ?
  9. It is but idk about this 'story'
  11. yeah, it does sound a bit far-fetched. what year was this, op (if you don’t mind saying)? i doubt this professor would still have their job after something like that... yikes
  12. that's messed up asf ?
  13. Your dance group was called the klan?
  14. The Klap would've been better imo.
  15. I think you could just ask them since it's a small reservation and word spreads fast. Just ask around. I'm sure they'll tell you.
  16. Racism and Discrimination are very much alive ?
  17. The year was 2005 when this happened I've checked she still works an an teacher but at an different school
  18. im pretty sure they forgot about it xD I wish i got opinions the day it happened
  19. I wouldnt call that weird. That was flat out racist. She should have been fired and not allowed to teacher anywhere again. On that note my story isnt weird but is racist. I was in foster care im white and when I say white like ghost white lol. My foster mother wasn't. She was very dark skinned. She came to school one day to drop something off I knew she was. My gym teacher said "Alexandra your moms here" I automatically stood up that man said no not you you're white.... I blew a gasket he got fired and never got a teaching position again.
  20. Small child you probably didn't think anything of it. Also small reservation schools tend to keep the teachers employed even though their racist because they know someone.