wedding war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mr-vow2-loveMrs-tilldeath-wink, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. planning on having a 4 hr wedding war would like people to join wall me if interested
  2. I'll join if there's no hunt!!
  3. When? For who? Cs requirement?
  4. your status confuses me?
    edit: he changed it.
  5. for me and Feb 3rd is the date
  6. Just for you? No bride? What time?
  7. there is a bride noon mst time
  8. Can you please put some more effort in writing in thread and give out some specifications :|
  10. Mountain?
  11. I am the bride and I believe it's pacific time not mountain time it'll be fun so please everyone join of course us girls will win ?
  12. I'm so confused. Can this be redone with the correct info? If I'm free, I'd love to join.
  13. If the thread is this pathetic, I wonder how great the war will be '-'
  14. Are you sure this is a war thread?. :cry:
  15. Will outside hits be turned off?
  16. There's a button for that now. Next the the on/off button for hiring ?
  17. Bump. It was indeed uninformative. But its still a war. Let's get it people ! No MCs req. 23 hours from now. 4 hour open merc war.