wedding war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llllll-MrBadass-llllll, Dec 5, 2015.

  1.  12  06  15 
    ? Austin?? Mhae ?
    You're Invited
    ?? Groom Side
    8:00 am SGT
    For all the people that need a link
  2. This thread didn't get any attention :( poor op
  3. Stat requirement
    Time limit
  4. Check his club wall.
  5. I hear it was a awesome war 
  6. James it was basically a pwar, the groom went to sleep early. Hell, half the club went to sleep early
  7. I Fell Asleep ?, I'm A Nub Anyway 
  8. 
  9. Brides side rulez ?
  10. Floccinaucinihilipilification rulez no matter what side I join
  11. Nonono, you lost ?
  12. Bruh. Second most plunder in whole war. I see no loss?
  13. Second most plunder, but did you get the payout? ? I think not. LOL
  14. Payout would've been like... 6b? Get that from one ul on party
  15. Lol you seem to act like the badass war fairy but wouldn't be able to handle a OSW ^
  16. Didn't you just say on another thread you were tiny in kaw? What do you know about osw
  17. I know, I'm just messing with you. Playful banter and such ?
  18. More than you'd think, yooooo!!!!