There is a problem within the community that I would like to address because it saddens me. The issue is the lack of conviction in the community. Whether is it with hunts, lack of wars, too many parties, too much cat cafe, or the newest complaint: The Relationship Button, there is a lack of conviction. When you publicly speak against something, you are telling the Pimd community that this particular thing upsets you. So why is it that as a whole, our actions rarely reflect our words? We say we want less hunts, yet when a hunt rolls around we jump right on it. We say we want more wars, but when a promo or a hunt pops up during war we abandon all prospects of going to war. We say we want remove cat cafe. That it is awful and destructive to the community. We say it makes new players become party noobs. We say it cause greed. It disrupts the tutor market. It makes the game too easy and it demolishes club unity. But we still as a whole jump at any chance to do cat cafe. We say the relationship button is an awful addition to the game. Yet, how many players are currently using the button despite the fact that it is a symbol of the complete lack of respect ATA has for its players? Not to mention that it brands PIMD as a wannabe dating site. No wonder ATA ignores our cries, because we dismiss our word with our actions. Often our nays mean nothing because our actions say "yay." Even when we joke about things like roleplay, becoming cat cafe noobs, or finding PIMD lovers. All of which I've honestly been guilty off. We are still giving an air of support. Much of what we do in jest can be taken literally Red-Tiger taught me that. Thinks we see as jokes may not be jokes to those who don't know us. When we go against our own words, how can we expect ATA to listen to us. How can we expect new generations of players to believe that old pimd WAS great when we succumb to the awful ways of the present trash that ATA has handed us? So I beg you all. Realize that this game is ours. Yes ATA owns it, but like Rose said "what is a game without its players?" Nothing. We make the game. We set the stage. If we show them, not just tell them what we want this game to be like, I am 100% sure that they will HAVE to listen. So if you truly want to things to change, don't just say so. Ignore hunts. Quit partying maybe. At least stop doing cat cafe. And stop using that awful relationship button. And don't say that you need to stats because honestly the way this game is going, next year you won't be using the stats to do anything except party. Think long term, not short term. ? Please consider putting "What is a game without its players" in your status and try actively taking a stand against ATA's agenda in some way. Thank you for your time and remember: WE ARE PIMD
We all rp at one point? I love you arrowEven though you dont know me Amazing thread :3 You deserve a star
I made a thread about the community disliking hunts and you response is we need a Halloween hunt so things can blow over? I really hope that isn't what ATA thinks, because force feeding us stuff we DO NOT want and then trying to smooth things over with gimmicks like "player appreciation" and this "Halloween hunt" that you're peddling is why the community is angry. We don't want stuff to blow over We don't want to be enticed We don't want to be manipulated We're intelligent people and we can see through ATA's nonsense. We will not be sold! At least I and people like me will NOT be sold. Shame on you if expect to overlook how ATA has repeatedly mistreated us just for the sake of a "Halloween hunt" that will probably be just another chance to take our money.