was told to contact via feedback

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Aquaman12, Jun 12, 2019.

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  1. I was making a purchase from Molly’s corner for 9.99. I completed the purchase and the box was still there to purchase so I clicked it again to get two. At that time the box went away and gave an error message that the purchase could not be delivered. Each time I log in it tells me to contact you via feedback about the purchase
  2. You bought the same box twice? Or two different boxes with the different avi in it?
  3. Yeah so like go to the help bar on the left side , the same way you go to forums and chat with ATA
  4. He went to buy the same pack twice
  5. Oh it's just a bug then. It'll fix itself on its own
    It has been doing this with buddy boxes too.
  6. Please contact support, as others have stated how to.
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