
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -PHS-Female_Body_Inspector-, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. So I'm in the mood for a war.. anyone down to setup a real war
  2. why dont u do it?
  3. I've been declaring war on random clubs and nobody will accept
  4. Open merc war???

    Ill form a club and do and unlocked 12hour war?
  5. I'm in if Raven wants me. 
  6. Down with it too. Both alts.
  7. My club is already made for the war so just make your side and lets have some fun
  8. You need to stop your party lol
  9. Lol I want war
  10. I have a feeling its going to be everyone vs me. Lol oh well
  11. War has been declared, happydoll is my alt, choose a side and come along 

    No stripping of tuts or requesting outside hits, other then that its open merc war.
  12. 
  13. What happened to war?

    Why start a thread then disband your club which then ff's the war??
  14. Well that was great...
  15. I'm making the club again. I have no alt to go mercing with. So I came home to party
  16. Oh u know what that's probably my fault raven there's a cf between tbd and rst yet the original owner of rst came to tbd and was accepted. As he now is vt but still allies with rst and that was ok but when tbd goes to apologize and subside the cf because of all the craziness it's still causing 7 months later it's not accepted. Smdh at some ppl