
Discussion in 'Wars' started by -PrinceSpanker-, May 18, 2015.

  1. Hey all I'm looking for a war to join I need to Lear how to war
  2. Join Wargasm or bad attitude ?
  3. Here is a guide to wars.

    As Savage mentioned, joining Wargasm Or Bad Attitude would be a wise choice if you want to learn about wars as experience help. It's easier sometimes if people explain reporting or something instead of a guide. :)
  4. Wars are so fun and not monotonous! I wish you luck in your future wars. Ask bad attitude or other war experts if you have any further questions about them.
  5. join cc club
  6. ?
  7. Bad attitude has war experts?
  8. Yus.
  9. Yes they do lol. Join our war starting in 3hrs!
  11. We try to war but everyone always declines
  12. Yeah, I mean there is no hunt going on so why not war?
  13. Cause there wusses ?
  15. Well, BAD accepted. All others have been temporary clubs for farming lol