{War} YOUR Opinion Wanted

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mandi270, Sep 14, 2014.

  1. The community has been asking for war, We gave it, yet some were unhappy it wasn't matched. We are planning another war for the community, so let's get to the bottom of this...

    Would You prefer Open Merc or a matched roster? Please explain your thoughts, pros and cons on each. Your opinions matter. :)

    For any further info, questions, suggestions or if you'd like to help with future wars, wall any of us.

    Here's a sneak peak at what we have planned for October. :twisted:

  2. opinion
  3. Good job baes keep it up forget the haters i'll have then back in my basement by purge time
  4. omg cubes bae <5 ?

    anyway open merc leads to unbalanced and matched leads to no shows
  6. hoots I'd like to help you with future wars ;)
  7. Exactly what we were saying Cubes. We'd just like to know what the majority prefers.

    If locked roster, precautions could be made to recruit and re-match for no-shows.
  8. Open Merc. it's war, anything goes right? In a real war the sides aren't always even. If you really wanna war it shouldn't matter. Just show up, do your best, and kick ass ?
  9. I like your point Arrowette.
  10. didn't even read the thread tbh, but open merc when you know what you're doing
  11. :roll: At least you're honest. :lol:
  12. Open merc cause i wanna join da winning side :D
  13. cubes bae pm me then 
  14. and open merc is flexible for people who want to war at the last minute
  15. I prefer open merc war with the upcoming war buzz known by everyone.
    To me it always tricky, full of twist and those who involved will drag everybody they know into the war lol.
    And you have better options and idea to think of other strategy if the one that you using not working.
  16. Open merc because people might not show up. However, I think you should try to set up rosters and such beforehand so it's not super uneven.
  17. Ok, so Open Merc it will be. Thanks for opinions everyone. :)
  18. A war that even smaller stat players can join.
  19. Matched wars. Open merc lead to one sided pwars 80% of the time. Yes it has ppl who dont show up but just do what the bos admins did and make a waiting list as backup.