War tournament

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_AM_ZOMBIE_PRINCESS_MEGAN, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. PIMD war tournament

    So I've noticed that people seem to want to war more, so I was thinking of ways to make warring more interesting! And I thought of trying out a war tournament!

    How will this work?

    Basically there will be 4 equal stat teams with around 10 players on each team:

    ~Team 1
    ~Team 2
    ~Team 3
    ~Team 4


    The following wars will take place:

    Team 1 vs Team2
    Team 3 vs Team 4

    Then eventually the winners from each war will war eachover to determine the overall winner!

    So, what is your opinion on this? Would you take part? Please comment your thoughts on this!

  2. How about then everyone from the winning club goes head to head with each other?
  3. Sounds fun, but scheduling would be hard. It'd be hard to find two times everyone could make.
  4. That would be pretty awesome.
    Teams battle it out to see who's the best.
  5. The problem with this is that a lot of people sign up for wars and then back out of them.

    Not to mention finding times that fit all the teams. But if you can manage that, sure.

    And I can't seemata doing this since this would mean the same set of people on the same team each time.

    But it sounds nice, and I'd like to do it, so support.
  6. How about club war tournament
  7. Maybe we could have seperate tournaments for each timezone to solve that problem?
  8. Seems nice, if this takes off, sign me up. I'm on vacation now, so have a lot of free time.
  9. This sounds fun Meagan,Good luck.
  10. Support.
  11. Thankyou anya! I suppose it would take some time to arrange and figure out how to arrange it, but maybe one day it will actually happen lol