War Promo

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -Mister_Frosty-, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Give us a break from scav hunts. Give us Promo on doing wars. Bring back Beta Wars! What is the use of Percentage Bonus from Awards. Give it some number other than zero.

    Or the war system that they were testing out and never actually incorporated.
  3. So others learn how to war also.
  4. Support, but I would prefur the option to wage a short 50/50 beta style war instead of having to b on at a certain time to b put in with a group at random.
  5. Support but this wont happenthis thread is invisible to devs
  6. Spam their feedback and email
  7. "Thank you for the suggestion and we shall look into it. Keep playing !!!"
  8. Denied. ATA gave us another lame hunt. :-/
  9. Big bump and Big support
  10. And again I say this there was just someone asking for war in forums someone from scumbag university so instead of complaining to devs how about you hit up his thread wall or pm eh?
  11. GIVE US A WAR SYSTEM !!!!!!!!!

  12. I'm spamming feedback with that message
  13. And when I plan wars no one comes.

    No offence but some people are big mouth here, you all want wars, but when I make one, no one comes and they are legit wars.
  14. Exactly kename
  15. They want devs to do all the work so they can war when ppl are posting in forums telling them they are willing to war?smh
  16. Kan I signed up for you war 
  17. Hell you and me are On a team with spitfire 
  18. I never pointed you bro.
    But i'm talking about other people.
    I'm not aiming everyone here.
  19. Ik just had to be a smart ass