[WAR] Pewdiepie vs Smosh

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Breadroll, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. Hey guys I've this idea about having Pewdiepie's fans aka bros vs Smosh fans

    The war will be on 20 Dec 2014 (Saturday) 2pm SGT so if y'all are interested, tell me which team u wanna be in and name

    Thx 4 reading ??
  2. Team Alexis Texas.
  3. So hard to read ?
  4. I want to be on pewdiepies side
  5. Vs. Vanoss.
  6. Alexis Texas wtf
  7. Vs me bruh

    I won already.

    Because, bitch, I'm Legolas. Come at me.

    And, for the love of God, write it in a different colour. I simply cannot read this.
  8. I couldn't read it
  9. You, Valerie, just saved my eyes from exploding.
  10. I'll join vanoss' side..
  11. 
  12. Bruh
  13. I know right 
  14. Pshh it should be Pewds vs Nova. Come on now you know this was a war XD
  15. Poods <33333 fangirlfangirlfangirlfangirlfangirlfangirl <3 ?
  16. Team vanoss all day every day!
  17. Wanna bet ata will make a hunt within three days of this war
  18. I think I'll join my own side. Nonelikejoshua. 
    Other than that... Vanoss takes the biscuit 
  19. Any team will do (^o^)/

    Just sign me up
  20. Bruh this ain't some porn shiet.