War Ideas

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KG_BAM, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. I'm tired of wedding wars and blah blah vs blah wars… So does anyone have any interesting ideas for wars? Im thinking of writing a detailed eloquent message to ata about new ideas but I just wanted to see what everyone else is thinking first…

    All ideas are appreciated
  2. Ummm stop
  3. You're appreciated 
  4. Vegetarians vs meat lovers.

    Thongs vs booty shorts
  5. yeh i think they should bring the war system from kaw and incorporate it here somehow.
  6. Everyone knows booty shorts beat thongs all day
  7. What's the war system in kaw?
  8. The new war system they tested is amazing I hope that gets incorporated soon.
  9. depends on who's wearing the thongs/booty shorts… A guy with a hairy ass thong definately a thick girl from the south booty shorts 
  10. Basically its a ko war you get kod and then come back out of pin after a certain amount of time there is no dtw no fighting from pin either. I just dont think it would work since mechanics are different.
  11. Curly hair v straight hair
    Thick v skinny
    Ass v boobs
  12. Anal v oral 
  13. Alright dude you're crossing the line now.... Relax
  14. Fuck that stupid shit. Get out of here
  15. That dude is sick 
  16. also you earn mithral from the wars in kaw aswell to buy special equipment to help boost stats. Id like to see that incorporated here that might already be the case lol i havent been playing this game very long so still a newb.
  17. I want 3 way wars
  18. How about one club repeatedly declare war on another club until they accept.
  19. The Club DayZ is looking for 100Kcs soldiers to WAR! Must be active and experienced

    Sorry for the ad

    3 way wars should be amazing I think

    Also World War Campus

    Up to 6 clubs in FFA then could do some truce or team up togheter

    Ww1 WW2 reference allies and axes(if im not wrong with the names)