Discussion in 'Wars' started by GoonBaby, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Due to Beta wars, War has been reschdueled to a later date thanku 
  2. 
  3. princess, dont cry all the time. You might cry at being pinned and wish you are doing 3x party begging to leave. Lmao
  4.  Aku I think she is starving... Don't make fun of her  Be generous to poor and feed her something ?
  5. ? Hehe its her milk thats been feeding me
  6.  no doubt she is crying, too much leakage and no feeding
  7. 
  8.  she got flat chest becoz she was only leaking and no one fed her in return 
  9. Felix u got jokes today I see never cry over war I actually laugh about them I see to many other ls crying over war and tell them stop whining and war there's a cow in every war that just happened to be my time to be a cow but without pest wth do u think happens that's why khemi and I turned into pest and was hitting from pin? it's ok one day i will be on same side with u and not against you and show you how I war ashboo knows just ask her
  10. ?Pest hitting from pin? First time i heard 
  11. Hey first time for me to but that's what we called it damn it shhhhhh
  12. I'm gonna spam you tp
  13. Well thats the only way to congratulate you on lcbc and giving you a big welcome to the world of bc war 
  14. Spam my tp?
  15. Tp= toilet paper?  Was it used for your tears? Or cleaning whats left that hurt your butt?
  16. Lmfao no I had a lot left over well thanks for my warm welcoming
  17. New 50b bonus for reaching 20k fight wins btw!!!