I'll keep this as short as possible. A lot of players want war and battle list however it is really discouraging new players to appreciate these when they have opponents who belittle them just because they have no experience over war/farming. So, I was wondering, instead of trashtalking players who don't know how to use that Fight button, who is actually willing to teach players the strategies and stuff? The more you teach players the more they'd be into it after all.
But you learn by experience. Just be ready. When hits come, return an equal number and befriend your attacker. Ask them about bl, they'll teach you. Wanna war? Great, sign up and join one. There's players all around you willing to help, you've just gotta step up and ask questions
Alot of clubs offer that help now mines included new players just need to seek them out asking for help never hurts either
Not all can befriend their attacker though. I admit there's a lot of overreacting over hits but it's also hard to learn from experience when you're failing and have a hard time growing. This is mostly for really new small stat players. I think their initial impression of farming and battles aren't so good so they don't get to appreciate it.
Respect to op lol who tf cares if you hit or 5 times every real bl hitters should be ready for hits and sometimes dns
I was showing him THE WAY. You cannot expect people to return the same amount of hits all the time. Battle list is a gamble and should be treated as such. That's the thrill of it.
?Lego, as we told you, some people return equal hits, others an unload, some (Like satire) declare a 1v1. You can't hit BL thinking everyone will be like "oh a hit. Oh well". We appreciate you alerting us what was happening, in the event something bigger ensued. However, please remember, for every action is an equal or opposite reaction. 1 = 1 hit, equal 1 = unload/farm/war, opposite. As long as the 1v1 is fair, which Satire has assured, use this as a learning experience. You both have long ways to go for lcbc on these accounts (as Satire is an alt), you'll have many 1v1 and other wars to come. And please, watch your forums. That can also get you farmed much worse than a 1v1.
one could actually learn just by reading for instance. There are guides here made by people who are expert on the subject on how to farm and what to do during a war. I learned through reading and asking people (my pupil and those I've come to meet along the way) as I grew to my current stat.
If New Members want to learn war then join the Sunday wars it should give them some sort of theory on the concept of war and how it works: )