Boy Meets Girl.... Boy Loves Girl... Girl Declares War! You are invited to attend the wedding war of Girl and Boy. Where: TBA When: November 14th Time: 12pm PDT Type: Open Merc 24 hours Who: 1Mcs+ (If you are in a SFW please respect others and don't turn up) Just a save the date thread! Hope to see you all there!
I wouldn't wanna join even if I wasn't in a sfw. And it was just a form of a question. Get technical on me why don't ya? :roll:
I think she answered your question hun. But taking what you just said... If you don't care about the war then why bother posting questions about the war much less commenting on it?
I know she answered. And I asked because there's always a boy vs girl wedding war, relationship war, and I'm over here waiting for someone to say USA vs USMC, or UFC War or something like that. xD
Then go make that war. This is just what 2 ppl wanna do to share and show friends how much they love someone.
I know and I don't blame em for showing love to each other. Just figured I put something out there that will probably give more excitement and idea.