War Anyone?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SMdelight, May 20, 2013.

  1. Anyone wanna war Republic of DRM this weekend ?
  2. Well................I guess Playmates will be bored now, so you guys should talk with them.

     Interesting
  3. Yea wish my club would
  4. Yeah just wall me terms ill take u all.
  5. If ya need mercs let me know.
  6. Waroh wait I'm in RDRM

    would love to war against Playmates
  7. Smd declare war on playmates and i will come merc ツツ
  8. War Bump
  9. i like how noob clubs are saying we will war lol idiots 
  10. id like to war of you all need mercs.
  11. Which n00b club pitty?
  12. look at the posts … doris/charlie
  13. It would be like a bull and an ant fight 
  14. They're trolls not noobs bro
  15. and VIP and noob club equal a dinosaur versus a speck of dust. total wipe out. of course including the the VIP club can hit the noob club.
  16. noobs&trolls same shit tbh
  17. Pitty they are not same thing. I'm a noob but it doesn't make me a troll. 