War Against RaL

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WombRaider, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. I started this adventure with the young noob named Jigs. (Jiggy) and now my friend has died and ceases to exsist just kidding. He's British and pale. So a vampire. He's a bit busy drinking blood. He's sleeping k?
    Now I'm sitting and staring at my phone watching my nf blow up, and listening to Suga Suga. :cool: im cool like dat. Anyways any of y'all suppose war supporters wanna help a white Gangsta beat some RaL ass?
    I offer skank rp in cc and to bounce my ass in your face. Jkjk pls Halp me.
  2. No...just no

    Haha Cholo
  3. Nick and Kitty.
    That letter is outdated. Stick that k up your asses. thanks bbys.
  4. In the words of omar...Lame

    but I'm intrigued
  5. Is Q acceptable? :shock:
  6. lel imagine the letter Q going up your ass. Would you like it?
  7. He just needs help because he can't do it himself ? weak
  8. Cholo is awesome
  9. But won't they take my pixel money!

  10. Pls help me. I've seem to have fallen and I can't get back up!
  11. Call life line, ment for older people but suites you fine ?
  12. Omg aha I was hoping youd see my hidden message
  13. ;-; I'll give you my love
  14. Lemme know when it turns into a SFW i need some tuts hired 
  15. Jiggy's not even pale.?
  16. He is
  17. Its a system war. I doubt people will sf because of your tag