Want to get stronger?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightingCactus, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. I am in A51 Alien Incubator, and we are ALWAYS looking for noobies to volley. We don't volley to 350 mil, we help ppl who are like under 10k to volley to whatever. We volley people outside the club so please don't apply. It is such a hassle to find people so post on this forum if you want to be volleyed or know someone that wants to be volleyed. UNDER 10k!!!
  2. Um I know I might be over priced but could you volley or hire me please. 
  3. Under 10,000 hire value!!! Please!
  4. Okay never mine
  5. I'm under 10 000 mil
  6. Just dropped by to say hi
  7. Lol I Remember this