Wall art

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Isaac420, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. 1: what's the secret to wall art? 2: Post your wall art here now or else
  2. Or else what? You'll impersonate me? :|
  3. You're rude. I won't tell you the }Secret{

    You could have asked nicely/
  4. The secret to wall art is to use emoji and stop once you put 11 in a row
  5. I will, but I'm not bad at wall art, I guess I'm ok, I didn't know there was a secret to wall art
  6. There was and it shall be told to all....eventually..............procrastination
  7. 0.o everyone knows the "secret" except the noobish OP
  8. *whimpers* but...I AM nice...
  9. Can I pleanse know the secret?

  10. *cough*

  11. A great artist never reveals his secrets? :3
  12. True that^

    I'm not good at wallart.

    But I LURRRV manga art!

  13. 




    Hope it works in the forums.

  14. 

     Freeze!!!


     
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     

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  15. . WHERE'S CHINA?! >:L
  16. Aww!!! IT DIDN'T WORK!!!! 
  17. I'm working on china.  <Snot bubble
  18. -pops snot bubble-



    -whips theone-