Welcome to the grand finaly of King and Queen of November If you can remember last thread, I've made a thread to allow people that have their BirthDay on November to nominate themselves to become King of Queen of November! Now this time, it is YOUR time to take action and vote for your favorite King and Queen of November. How does this work? It's simple, i'll list down the Kings and the Queens, then YOU have to pick ONE KING and ONE QUEEN. You must pick one King and one Queen in order for your vote to count. Even if you don't know one of the royales, pick someone randomly. You CANNOT vote for TWO kings or TWO queens. The Kings •MiamiGets-EX-citedBy_B3RRY •-iNeoDeliverPresentsWithSanta- •PerryThePlatypus The Queens •Orangeslushy •His_Sweet_SinDerella •C_h_a_r_l_o_t_t_e •BluntBaby •Meagan •Korsett •__Nobody__ For how long? You have till friday the 5th to vote your favorite King and Queen if November. What about December? Be sure that people of december will get their chance to become King or Queen of their month!
Am no longer vying for November kingship, I just don't want to completely destroy my pimd self esteem