Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Amanda-Please, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. I'm currently sitting on my couch, snuggling with my cat, and getting increasingly giddy. I feel like I'm in middle school all over again. I'm not one for award shows. In fact, I think this is the first one I've ever watched. So why am I so stoked?

    N*SYNC.  I'm so ready to sing along with some of my favorite boy band songs. Oh, the nostalgia. I hope this isn't a let down.

    Are you watching? What performances do you want to see?
  2. ?mother of god

    ?get the hell out of here
  3. Nah, I think I'll stick around. Thanks for the input, though! 
  4.  what he said 
  5.  I forgot what channel the VMAS are on :0

  8. Holy god I almost forgot about the VMAS!  Austin Mahone! <3  fan girldom!
  9. Yeah.. I'm not a big fan on Kanye either, but then again I'm not too big on rap. >,< So.
  10. Of^ o.o not on^
  11. Me neither, I don't really listen to rap.
  12. Anyways, it just came on so.. Bbl o.o
  13. Oh me god.. Do you see her outfit..?
  14. My^ o.o I can't type tonight
  15. Did anyone say fan?
  16.  1D!!!!
  17. Um... Miley Cyrus is performing in a leotard that looks like a teddy bear... What? Oh, and now she's in her underwear and grabbing her crotch a lot.

    Now I know why I never watch this stuff.
  18. Lmao.. I was SO pissed when Selena Gomez won instead of fun! -.-