Veganism Q&A

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Wesday, Apr 27, 2019.

  1. Hai I am bored. Am sitting in my tub rn with a green bath bomb that has it looking like i'm laying mold. To soothe my boredom i thought we could do a veganism q&a for ppl who are curious about it or who are considering taking steps towards lessening animal products. It is a topic i am well versed in (and probs other pimd-ers w/similar choices who are welcome to answer questions also). i also like discussing vegetarianism/pescetarianism. You can also just mock me for being a better hooman than you if you hate veganism and has nuffin else to contribute.
  2. Why are you vegan ?
  3. I am against animal cruelty and the meat industry is not environmentally friendly or sustainable.
  4. What is your opinion on non-biogradeable and easily worn plastics being used as fabrics (for ex. most forms of polyester) in place of biodegradeable and long-lasting animal products, such as leather and wool? Particularly because most plastics are easily able to be recycled either

    I know animal welfare is important in veganism but I feel like the environmental impact of things considered vegan like "faux leather" (aka plastic) is often looked over by vegans
  5. Legit question: what do you use to replace eggs when they're usually needed in certain preparations? For example, alongside bread crumbs, to cover onions to fry, etc.? I hope I was clear because I lack English cooking vocabulary.
  6. Not vegan but I heard applesauce is a good replacement, at least in baking. Have not tried it myself though.
  7. This chart is every baking vegan's bible. I recommend never buying baked vegan goods unless you know the seller. A lot of stuff you buy in-store (aside from regular bread which is usually already vegan) tastes disgusting, it has to be homemade.

    There are also fake egg's that you can make scrambled eggs out of or to cover your onions as you said. Personally, i don't like them and just omit that if it's in a recipe
  8. I'm personally more concerned about the environment, as well. For example, rainbow trout is a foreign species here and it invaded the lakes eating what local species need to eat causing shortage of supply for locals and eating local fishes, as well. Aaaand I know it's the human to blame for introducing it and for keep that industry still active!! But if killing a % of them would benefit the environment, I wouldn't be against it. Of course there could probably be better solutions (starting for stopping the industry), making them unable to reproduce so they'll eventually die of age until it's none left, etc.

    And yeah, I make difference between species because even tho cats are plague in certain places, I wouldn't like them to be killed :( .

    I've also known people against castration using the fallacy that it's against nature (note: only dolphins and humans feel pleasure when having s3x), however it's the best for domestic animals to prevent overpopulation, abandoned puppies and kittens, aggression from humans to stray cats and dogs, vehicles running over them, lack of homes for them. The urban environment isn't prepared for them to survive as long as they would well cared in a home.
  9. Another big problem: what do you do if you have to choose the welfare of certain species over others?
    For example, we humans, can do well without consuming animal products in any aspect of our life. But cats are carnivore, not omnivore (they only eat veggies to clean their intestines). And even cat's food of the best premium brand alone isn't enough. They're supposed to eat real animal meat 25% of their diet (for example, chicken). I admit that I'm lazy and mine eat mostly cat's food and less often some animal food (mostly canned tuna, which I don't think it's good because of the salt)... But what to do in such cases? You'd be giving an not enough nutritional diet to your cats if you completely exclude animal meat...
  10. I'm not a fan of plastics fabrics. I try to buy mostly cotton things even though those are not the best for the environment, either. I still find it preferable to skinning cows and forcing sheep in cramped spaces even though the products are superior. I don't think silk farming is the worst thing ever though and have little to no issue with it, although i won't buy silk products.
  11. Re: Veganism Q

    Your views on vegetarians still eating cheese? (I know vegan and vegetarian are different but it’s the only question I have)
  12. What's your opinion on repopularizing hemp fabrics, since they're natural and plant-based?

    I read that hemp as a plant is really good for the environment (matures faster than trees + outputs more oxygen, plus takes up less space) so that it would be beneficial to think about making other products from hemp ー like paper ー because it would be better environmentally to farm hemp plants.

    I do know hemp is controversial though because of its association with cannabis, and I heard hemp fabrics can be itchy (like how some people find wool to be itchy) so people have issues with that as well.

  13. My thoughts on that.

    this is just incorrect. Many animals are only interested in sèx during mating seasons or when in heat, but they all experience pleasure that's why want and do it. Humans and dolphins are known for being overtly sëxual and wanting it outside of ovulation time. So are many primates, particularly the bonobo.
  14. I think carnivores are supposed to eat meat. There is a huge difference imo between a lion killing a gazelle who has lived a free life in nature until they die and a ton of cows kept in a dark shed for their life. As for cat food or other carnivores in captivity, I think if humans stopped eating meat we could find a sustainable way to get meat. Ideally from pests and roadkill or hunted meat (which if properly done, i am not 100% against. I would not eat it or do it and i don't think the majority should.)
  15. Re: Veganism Q

    Im not Vegatarian myself cuz ngl i just like eggs and burgers. But i do always try to buy eggs from chickens which have a lot of space while living. And when i buy chicken wings i buy the ones from a brand where the chicken aren’t locked up in a cage but have walking space. (I dont know the terms in English for this)

    I think everyone should buy their eggs and meat for a little higher price so that animal cruelty is stopped.

    But what i do wonder. Why do some Vegans persue us to bot eat meat at all? For me, its in our humans nature to eat meat just like for examples Lions eat meat. Ofcourse we can live without meat sine we are omnivores, but stilll.... we are omnivores so we eat meat. So why do vegans want to quit eating meat, instead of just eating the meat from animals w a ‘good’ life?
    (Again sorry for my English terminology, i just donut know the English words for all this)
  16. Re: Veganism Q

    I think the effort they are making for animal welfare is commendable but the dairy industry is horrible and it upsets and disgusts me. I also don't think most ppl should consume dairy, adults all develop lactose intolerance and milk causes skin breakouts and phlegmy throats and kidney stones.
  17. i have never worn hemp since i am kind of a fashion snob and the people who design things from hemp typically aren't as shallow as i am. I do like product, though, and appreciate that it would be better for the environment. They just need some proper fashion designers helping them for that to become a big thing
  18. Re: Veganism Q

    Lions eat meat because they need to. And tbh most meat actually isn't good for us. Fish is good for humans and poultry can be once cooked, but red meats (and pork) are known for causing cancer and heart disease and generally just being junk food. It's good that you buy better eggs and meat ig but not everyone can afford that and isn't sustainable for everyone. There isn't enough landspace to have open space farms with cushy living spaces for all the cows and chickens that farmers need to murder for everyone to eat. It's also terrble for the environment. Landspace aside, too much water and food production for the mass produced animals (most of which go to waste) is used.
  19. What tactics for maintaining and/or removing invasive species do you propose then, since you aren't a fan of culling? I would think conserving the lives of native species would be more important than those of invasive species.
  20. Introducing a predator rather than a mass murder which is what i think? Quimey was suggesting