"I Can Fight The Whole World With My One Hand If You Hold The Other" This Valentines Day, let's keep our promise, show the world your love! Proposal: In regards to hunts- there's been different kinds of hunts throughout the years. It seems like when ATA gets a new idea, they just stick to that type of hunt only. My proposal is to mix up the different type of hunts they've done over the years. This includes implementing iWars again also. Rather than set wars every single week for months, I think they should do iWars every other or every few hunts as an added option to obtain items dropped during hunts. There have been numerous threads asking for iWars to be brought back, but they've been ignored. That's really sad. Those of us who do love war, understand the game is more focused on parties, but that doesn't mean war aspect has to be tossed aside. Both can exist. I see so many new players in this game who seem to show an interest in this lost art. In no way, will what I propose interfere with parties. Quoting my Friend, -_A_MeatPuppet How it all goes down: The hunt will consist of System Wars (matched and locked roster picked by ATA) where couples make the same team, showing the others "how deep is their love~" - 1 hour signup period & players who signed up must leave any club they're in before matching starts - 1 hour matching period where ATA matches players up - clubs were 20-25 people per club - during matching period clubs pick their war leader - 4 hour war - 6 of such wars so that everybody can have a lost according to their timezone. - Participation only in couple, with your PIMD rs. Prizes/Outcomes: Hunt items are given out according to all actions during the war- Incoming hits and hits made. (Kinda not fair for ones that didn't do anything to get something). As well as the winner club gets the special avatar, boasting rights and an Award. Losing team still gets a participation award. (Nobody loses in love but sometimes it does hurt a little ) Show the world how good you are as a team with your RS partner and be on this (double) date. Hey Ladies, don't forget to make him pink! Please post support if you like my idea. Thank You~
No mistakes in bb coding this time around Posted almost 20 mins after original Double post my ass you knew what you was doing