Username got swapped?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Lobotomize, May 24, 2024.

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  1. Hey guys! So I came back after about a year to notice my username got changed somehow.
    Do usernames become available after a certain amount of time? Not sure how this happened.
    Sent a ticket in anyways but doubt it’ll do anything.

    this ever happen to anyone else?
  2. When you're inactive, your username becomes available to other users. Somebody either has your previous username or they had it at some point.

    If the username is currently available, you can change back into it. If not, there's not much you can do.
  3. Yeah this is a normal and expected function in the game. Any player can take a username if the account is inactive for a set amount of time. This thread explains the change.

    Locking now.
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