We all screwed as rich get richer n ppl under 6k comb r ruined forever n cannot grow... WE CAN'T EVEN PWAR LIKE ON KAW COS THERE'S NO OSFS... well done mods n devs... U just killed the game 4 ur own benefit in the hope we wud buy our extra credits 2 grow WHICH WE WONT
Pots hav become ridiculous too... The good point about this game was it was different 2 KaW n now cos of the differences we r all stuck unable 2 grow well... Congratulations
The weak r doomed n can't grow now wile the rich r too poor after upgrading m also cannot grow... N cash from battles is minuscule so we all stuffed
i agree, the pots are disproportional. It's cheaper to buy defense pots, where the attack pots are way to expensive plus not worth worth it since pay out is 1/9 of the pay out. This game has now become a game where the people with the most real money will be the most successful.. Now the game mirrors the real world, great!
Hopefully the change will mean tutors Value will rebalance and tutor bonus come into play more often.