
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by JoyBoy, Oct 6, 2019.

  1. Hello forums, I'm back so here's a little update on how I've been

    I went to a psychiatrist and got pit on some meds, where I'm trying to still get adjusted to them, I can tell you I'm doing much better than I was.

    It's kinda nice not being as nervous in public anymore, however I still have to go with people I know it was a much more enjoyable experience. Here are some photos I took on my adventure late last night. I'll post them once they finish uploading to imgur.

    So all in all, I'm doing fantastic, things are a little better around the house, my nephew is gonna be walking before he's one, and so much more! Thanks for everyone who pushed me to get the help I needed, by roasting me of course! You know who you are, there were a few of you.
    Manic, WhoTfIsWesday and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  2. Glad you’re doing better man.

    Stay up!
    JoyBoy likes this.
  3. Nice pics op
    JoyBoy likes this.
  4. Glad you are doing better. 😌
    JoyBoy likes this.
  5. Do a difrent color it one hurts that much words
  6. Lol I've gotten this complaint a lot, I'm not changing
  7. Can read it ok little bit words like this 1 not lots words tho
  8. Happy to hear you're doing better
    JoyBoy likes this.
  9. Oh wow I’m glad you got the help you needed! Nice pictures, where’d you go?
    JoyBoy likes this.
  10. Congrats qt
    JoyBoy likes this.
  11. It was down on the Las Vegas strip, I think at Cesar's palace, ig they change it every season, they call it "The Gardens"
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.