Hello forums, I'm back so here's a little update on how I've been I went to a psychiatrist and got pit on some meds, where I'm trying to still get adjusted to them, I can tell you I'm doing much better than I was. It's kinda nice not being as nervous in public anymore, however I still have to go with people I know it was a much more enjoyable experience. Here are some photos I took on my adventure late last night. I'll post them once they finish uploading to imgur. So all in all, I'm doing fantastic, things are a little better around the house, my nephew is gonna be walking before he's one, and so much more! Thanks for everyone who pushed me to get the help I needed, by roasting me of course! You know who you are, there were a few of you.
It was down on the Las Vegas strip, I think at Cesar's palace, ig they change it every season, they call it "The Gardens"