UPDATE 2 - 10/29 An update has been submitted that fixes this bug and we're going to be continuing our rollout shortly. UPDATE - 10/29 Hey everyone, we've identified a bug that can cause messages and gifts to show up twice in your social view. We're going to hold off rolling this out to everyone until we can get it fixed. Over the next few days we're going to be slowly rolling out an update to the Android version of Party In My Dorm to players that not only addresses a number of bugs and crashes players have been seeing, but also brings Video Rewards settings. These Video Reward settings allow players to choose in what situations to show Videos and include Wi-Fi + Mobile Data, Wi-Fi Only, and Disabled options. Changes made in settings for Video Rewards will take effect the next time the game is fully restarted. In addition to the new settings, the Video Rewards feature will also behave a little differently. The "Earn Tokens" button will always be visible, and a notification badge will appear on it when a video is available to view. For those on iOS devices these settings will be coming in our next update along with a number of other awesome changes. Stay tuned!
It tells me i have a message constantly even if i checked my messages. I have to restart the whole app to get it to go away.. if i get new messages from others i have to restart for it to show me who sent it
Lots of us do. And you do as well. I mean, you took the time post something you thought would be funny