Upcoming war tonight/today

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RudeRENAMED, Jun 3, 2015.

  1. [​IMG]

    My exams are over and its time to war.

    In 2 hours and 30min i will be declaring war again.

    Post here if u would like to be notified of the clubs and called into action

    This is a 4 hour war, and mercs are allowed

    1. Keep sides even
    2. No stripping
    3. No outside hits
    Basically this is a friendly war... you all know how it goes

    There is no stat limit, all are welcome and both sides are willing to teach.

    So stop being a fairy! Stop complaining about lack or wars! Come and join


    PEOPLE on the war participant sign up thread will also be notified

  2.  Lets get it on! don't be a fairy, cause we know this hunt sucks, let's war!
  4. Sadly I'll be in church then sleeping I think.
  5. War wouldn't start until 1am my time
  6. I almost said n b4 hunt... But there's already one HA
  7. WAR THE CLUB VS THE WAR CLUB- STARTS IN ONE HOUR!  Come war, dont be a fairy. keep sides even
  8. 1am my time?have fun
  9. 1pm for me. Before my work's lunch break darn
  10. Why do I have a loser as my pup now 
  11. Exactly
    @rude Make the wars you make earlyer as I keep telling you :mad:
    still ly doe <3
  12. Solid war. Thumbs up
  13. I'm in.
  14. Too late hun