Unlocking Cat Cafe?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lunar, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. Does anybody want to try and make a club and try to unlock cat cafe? I know there is clubs that are already doing this but they are stuck up and won't let me join! You can be owner ill be admin! I will be on all day today just about!

    Just wall me or follow and Pm me if you are interested I will even make the club! I just want to unlock this because I know there are other people just like me looking for cat cafe and nobody allows them in let's join together and do it on our own!
  2.  FAIL 
  3. What a thoughtful idea. If you need help unlocking let me know.  I'll send my alt lol 
  4. Or I can get you into my club if you want to cc party but they don't let in hoppers (alt acc)
  5. Moist what did he FAIL?
  6. if you unlock cat cafe, you're still going to need cats, therefore need to cat hunt. Mayswell join a club while cat hunting and stay for cc
  7. Or I can just buy ec
  8. We all know your daddy ain't gonna buy you any ec with his bad credit