United States vs. Australia.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 26, 2011.

  1. Recently two threads (United Kingdom vs. United States) (Canada vs. Australia) have had explosive results as we decide which country is;
    • Better for holidays?
    • Trustable..
    • Enjoyable.

    There were originally 3 Phases created to figure this out.
    United Kingdom vs. United States
    Canada vs. Australia
    Winner vs. Winner.

    ..And the results were..

    United Kingdom vs. United States

    Winner: US! 

    Results: 50 to UK, 52 to US.

    Canada vs. Australia

    Winner: Australia! 

    Results: 56 to Australia, 32 to Canada.

    Which means; the final question based on this topic I'll ask, to solve many's curiousity;

    United States or Australia ?

    This is not spam.
    Please do answer with your favouritism/biasness, not what others vote.

    Go! :)

    I vote US. 
  2.  USA.. Because I live here 
  3. 2 to Australia.
    1 to United States.

    Votes made my individuals who aren't present on this thread
  4. cause uhmmmmm FREEDOM
  5.  USA 
  6.  USA ALL THE WAY  sorry aus 
  7. America, FUCK YEAH! On the way to save the mother fucking day!
  8. Australia for sure.
  9. USA
  10. Australia 
  11. How's the healthcare system and the economy in Australia ?
  12. USA all the way!
  13. AUSTRALIA
  14. AUSTRALIA! 