United Kingdom vs. United States.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Joe-, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. The title's basically the main point of this thread.

    United Kingdom vs. United States.

    Some may be interested in this topic, others may not. What I'm interested in however is;
    • Do you live in the US or UK?
    If not,
    • Which place do you overally prefer?

    This is simply for reasons of curiousity from myself and others.

    So, I myself support...

    "GREAT Britain. It's in the name" ~PHANTASM.

    What's your opinion?
  2. From my giant convertion from normal chat to a parade of different votes over on campus, the current scores are;
    UK) 13, US) 7.
  3. USA all day!!!!
  4. USA all the way! 
  5. USA 
    I support our troops thank you to those who serve and God bless!
  6. UK!!! :D

    But gotta admit USA rocks too:)
  7. Uk!!!!  and disneyland 
  8. 
  9.  UK is just betterer
  10. No disrespect to the USA but
  11.  WITHOUT A DOUBT!!!!
  12. Then why did Britain lose in trying to stop us in the American Revolution?
  13. 
  14. USAhas more freedome
  15. Mixed Opinions here and there. I'll leave this thread goin' for a few days, then we'll settle it. 
  16. USA all the way
  17. If it wasn't for the US, Britain would most likely be speaking German
  18. WE ARE THE BEST DEAL WITH IT
  19. Sera actually USA speaks english cuz of UK where to u think English got it's name England but USA is still better
  20. Yes I know. But I'm stating that us joining WW2 because of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor prevented Britain from being invaded from Nazi Germany