Underpriced Tutor

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Zanovic, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. Zanovic

    Stats - over 300kcs
    Value - 115 billion

    Currently active and continuing to upgrade.
  2. Daisy

    Stats- over 28mcs
    Value- really low

    Currently active and would def upgrade during 5x promo in December
  3. Tropical


    Active and upgrading
  4. Aphrodite


    Over priced but I can make up for that with quality rp ?️
  5. iRJ_da-4th_aNgIe-0f_A-tRlanGIe

    Stat 25 mcs

    PRICE, market Price

    Will give bentos time to time
  6. Oh okay everybody, copy me
  7. Stats over 1mcs
    Hire value very low in 100 b
  8. 22mcs..i think. I can't count.

    Overpriced by 2b.

    I wish I knew why I'm alive tbh
  9. Hire me ? I rarely ever upgrade but I'll reepee in tc
  10. Reepee ?
  11.  I say reepee because im joking (rp)
  12. But reepee doesn't sound like rp. It's like ripi
  13. Depends on your accent I guess ild say reepee the same as rp 
  14. How does Arpee sound out of 10?
  15. Don't Rgoo with daddy, bad manners :roll:
  16. Ar-pee, Ree-Pee. How does the second one sound like Rp ffs  The arpee is better
  17. Some odd cs

    Way underpriced

    ~The Almighty Floccinaucinihilipilification