Hits me and anyone who hires "her" tutors. (She probably stole them off someone and hit the person when s/he hires back) I'm like 60kcs while she's 200 kcs, that's hitting someone who's 1/4 of your stats I might had been wrong hiring a tutor I've guided since he joined and might had been wrong while she was at war prep(for her wedding war) but she SHOULD wall/pm/gift message me. Don't just hit me four times and buzz off Her hitting me over tutor Her hiring "her" tutor (Doesn't belong to her, probably didn't know Royce was active lol) So, was I wrong? I don't want biased comments of her friends saying I'm wrong cause you are her friend. Have a nice day~(Gratz to whoever she's marrying...)
Lol maybe she dislikes you I hired her tut before no hits P.S If your reading these natie don't hit me from that time x3
There, she hits people she dislikesand causes them to lose money, isn't this the behaviour of a self-centred bully? to her
Monster, stop crying about old new It's a new day... What, did you think about it all day, and dream about me too? I wish I cared enough to post ss... But I don't. This is an iTunes app, not life
That's kind of the point of the game... You hit people.....who have lower stats......so you earn money.....make sense?
Well, I don't like to hit people lower my stats. I usually go go 2-3x my size. (in war, I constantly war) I'm just posting again to see if monster will try to hit me again I still didn't get my answer... Why make a thread after all day, and all night instead of right then?
Cause my Internet was down and I couldn't download photobucket. No, I'm just returning hits. Stop hitting people with lesser stats than you. The more you hit, the less friends you will have Tons of my friends which were hiring from list got hit from you before And that's what those hypocrites says, it's just a game. Well I hope someone bigger will farm you and you get to enjoy the feeling as well
You hardly lost any money why are you so mad? Just wait until you loose 350m a hit and get hit 4-5x's.