
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Rivalee, May 1, 2019.

  1. yes okay hi, i was challenged to make a forum post. dat is all, pls ignore. byeeee
  2. Wow what a thrilling and wild challenge
  3. Challenged to make a forums post?
    You are truly living on the edge.
  4. Congo

    Full support.
    Voseph likes this.
  6. Well Hai anyways ?
  7. A country in Africa
  8. That's op abuse. Now you have to give op an apology as well as 100mcs in misc as compensation for all the therapy they have to go through with all this abuse ☹️
  9. Considering she’s the one that challenged me, I think I’ll give her a pass this time
  10. ??
  11. U my fave ?️
    Congratz on your first forum thread 
    Voseph likes this.
  12. moonlight uhh spotlight uhhh
  13. Why you tripping get your mood right(?)

    (idk if you were posting lyrics or not)
  14. when your fave calls u their fave ?
  15. i just saw the title and this song started playing in my head :lol:
  16. Push him/her to the edge.. all his/her friends are bread. ?
  17. It’s currently my ringtone ?
  19. Challenged, or asked to?

    Being challenged to do something insinuates.... well, a challenge.

    Nothing challenging about making a thread.