Uh oh!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Manic, Nov 1, 2019.

  1. Hi. I'm having a hypomanic episode. 🙃

    It's 2am and my brain is exhausted. 😴

    I'm going to attempt sleep. Attempt. Ughh. 🤯

    Post a funny anecdote or picture below to entertain me (& other players too) when I wake up. 🌞

    Plz, k, thx, baii. 🥰
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  2. Anecdote that I find funny:

    When we were kids, one of my little brothers was a huge germaphobe. There was this week he was having horrible nightmares and one of our cousins came and sat on his bed to comfort him one night. In the sweetest way possible she said something along the lines of "so when you wake up terrified, you'll remember someone loves you." And then she kissed the wall beside his bed. Take note that he slept on the top bed of a bunk bed. My brother freaked out that she got "germs" next to his bed and promptly grabbed her by shoulders and tossed her off the side of the bed. She didn't have to go to the hospital but she was pretty bruised up. He also maintained for years that he was totally in the right for doing that and that she should've known not to get germs beside his bed. It wasn't til he was a teen when he forgot he did that and we brought it up that he was like "that's insane, I would never do that."
  3. Meme compilation:








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