(^.^) Typing with eyes wide shut

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-AC-EpiclyImmortalized_Isaac- (01), Nov 10, 2011.

  1. Yeah I think I was the first to make this type of threads.

    I can't seem to find the old one, so I made a new one.

    How to play:

    Reply to the person above you post with your eyes shut

    Remember to check your sentence, make sure it doesn't bypass or anything that breaks the ToU.

    You are allowed to correct words if they bypass. So make sure you check, I'm not responsible for any silenced soul

    I'll start

    Hello how are you.
    My name is jsaac
  2. This is toooooo easy, Isaac.
    That's eight, capitals and all :p

    Darn >:0
  3. Why don't you try going with eyes listed yhrn

  4. My eyes are closed.

  5. That dzz. CTm
  6. Hi tbis is with m ehes shuy
  7. That esf z Gaul
  8. That wax s jdol
  9. That red a jsol
  10. Ning delaying whay you said batbje
  11. That was a hUk
  12. Don't fall!!!

  13. That was a fail

    I got it!
  14. I did not fall! Yet

  15. that id nrw bnnn
  16. I is sexy and I knew ir
