Tyler and Green: Gorgeous Hunks Of Man Meat and Gods Among M

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *JJ04-01-10 (01), Sep 1, 2011.

  1. Tyler_Durden :3 and -Green- xD

    Let's start of with Tyler.
    You are amazing. In and out of bed. And sexy. And hilarious. I love watching you and Green together <3 especially when I'm allowed to film you two  BUT mad that you never feed me. I mean a can of tuna or something isn't that expensive. So wtf?! Although I'm starving, I still love you
  2. -Green-

    You're funny and I like to style, dawg ;) You have the weirdest names but it's ok , it makes you more adorable. We should totally hang out ;] I'll seek you out, no worries. As long as you're underage ;3. But joking aside, you and Tyler are amazing guys. You two can make anybody fucking laugh their ass off.

    xxx Much Love xxx

    ~P.s. Don't like this thread? Then Gtfo~ :)
    You're welcome beautiful. For all those times we rocked your world and for all those sleepless nights ;) .
    *gives JJ a can of tuna*
    I hope that's enough :mrgreen: you can earn the next one. I'm sure you know how.
  4. Whoa hold up! Your my man Tyler :mad:
  5. Green, one solution ~> Polyamory.
  6. I always will be too baby 
  7. A can of tuna??
    Omg. I'm in heaven. That's more than I usually get in 3 months! :D
  8. You need to go back into the closet jj >:D I'll give you raven for a can of tuna 
  9.  Comment
  10. :eek: he's all yours :$
    I'll go back but tuna first >:D
  11. OMG you'll trade me for tuna? Dx
  12. I bought you for a peanut o.o I would make a profit off of that!
  13. Nuuu I'll get you back sweetie :3
    Just be quiet for now.
  14. I demand 2 cans of tuna. 
  15. Damn! That's expensive Dx