Two new farms

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WanVilder, May 30, 2014.

  1. me, and my alt FaulPinch. both are quitting and need their tutors stripped. most are underpriced
  2.  I'll miss you Wan!
  3. Why would u quit?

    can u strip me thennn pweaseee :cry:
  4. I still don't understand why you are 'quitting' but begging for people to hire your tuts away.  It just sounds like you want to get rid of your op tuts.
  5. u can drop ur current tuts n strip me… take the girls away and leave the two handsome guys. U can drop them too.

    Else ur cash will just be farmed away… papa pweaseee :cry:
  6. Nessa, you must be stupid. if i wanted op tuts taken from me, i wouldnt bother to beg to get then taken away. im legitimately quitting, so shut up you stupid cûnt
  7. Oh? So I'm guessing that your posts on wc meant nothing then? 
  8. OP … u can drop them since u r quitting anyway…

    U can strip me if u want… im not quitting …
  9. This is gonna be locked now 