
Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Keeii, May 13, 2019.

  1. How can I stop a player from hiring me?
  2. You quit the game.
  3. You cannot. Anyone is allowed to hire you. Honestly, your pupil doesn't even matter and you aren't required to interact with them, and you can block them + turn off the tutor chat so you can't receive messages from them.

    You could try to find players that are willing to volley you until you are so expensive that you're out of the price range of the person you don't want to follow you. But that isn't guaranteed, and not a lot of people will volley randos until they're overpriced.
  4. You walk in a circle counter clockwise three times, and pray to the PIMD gods at dawn.
  5. You look that hoe in the eye and be like “I will never upgrade and will eventually drop my stats and leave you with an empty tutor husk.”
    And if they still keep you then I don’t really care please stop whining.
  6. Except you can't drop stats.
  7. I was going to suggest OP drop stats but that's impossible now smh
  8. You send me 20mcs worth of misc
  9. I walked clockwise on accident and it’s night right now. I think I opened up a portal for ghost to come out ?
  10. Why is said pupil continuously hiring?
  11. Probably bc OP is underpriced.
  12. You can't drop stats anymore... That means I can hire any schmuck I want without fear of them ds'ing :)
  13. I miss being able to drop stats