tutor chat alerts and tutor chat C A

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by cmadoc911, Oct 12, 2017.

  1. Everyone knows pimd constantly evolves. All types of new additions to the game since it's debut in 2010.

    I would like to propose a suggestion that would help pupils and tutors by adding an alert system for tutor chat like club chat, pm's, attacks, etc. that way tutors and pupils will have the alerts available in this window.

    Also pupils to access the tutor announcements like club announcements. Also to leave suggestions and info to all tutors. I think this will especially help new players communicate with their pupils.

    Any thoughts???
  2. Support, though the announcements probably isn't needed since whatever you say will go to all your tuts anyway.
  3. my pupil doesn't speak
  4. That's true but also tutor announcements will let u leave a constant message for all or specific tuts. Extended conversations in tc get push out so if u had something specific u want posted its there u kno? Js
  5. LOL! You got brad too?!!
  6. I'd rather a nooby rp'ing their life away in tc :? Like is he alive still
  7. He da only vip pup that I've had that don't talk but now that i think about it my last 4 pups have been vips :( i guess they liked passing me around like a joint at a party LOL
  8. My tc is deader than dead...
  9. God no, I have to many rpers as tuts. To many notifications could be made
  11. Support support support! I wanna help tutors learn the game easier it would benefit pups and tuts especially new players so so so much ??
  12. Regina George would never
  13. Mah Tut Has Been In ICU Ever Scince He Saw How OP I Am?
  14. You have no tutors
  15. kefo rest sure he will hire so no need to be smartass
  16. Think he/she meant pup