I've noticed recently that the tutor bonuses I get from battles are very erratic. Sometimes they're more than my cash earned, sometimes as low as zero. Anyone else notice this? Any idea why and how tutor bonuses are calculated? I'm not sure if this is only after the latest update, but I've never noticed this before.
I don't know the cause unfortunately... I tried asking around n never got a answer. So I hope some1 will enlighten us. All I know is that this was before the latest update, probably been always like this. Trick suckas
Ummm in general the more you have invested in tutors the more you will make per hit, up to a certain "Max Bonus" once you get max it won't go up till you get a new crew member. You bonus changes based on how much str/int you have. If you have 100% str/int you will make 100% of your tutor bonus. If you have 90% str/int you will make 90% tutor bonus. This is all based on if you actually buy tutors.
But the amount of tutor bonus I get varies from target to target, even if my stats and tutors haven't changed. So there must be some element of the target's stats or tutors in the calculation somewhere...
If u look at your tutors stats there's a tutor bonus rating I assumed that the amount earned was based on that. Eg you have one tutor with a bonus of 200 ur tutor bonus would be 200 and as your strength went down so would the bonus? Either that or it's all just random
Hi Darklighter and all! Here is how tutor bonuses work: 1. The max tutor cash bonus (TCB) depends first of all on the COST of your tutors. The more cash you throw in tutors the higher the TCB is. The TCB has a maximum value which is determined by the NUMER and TYPE of your crew members. I have no exact figures so don't ask about them. In any way the max TCB will be increased more if you add a T2 crew member as compared to T1. The level to which the crew member is upgraded also matters. If you want to test how the TCB changes when you buy mure tutors you have to hit the same person before and after hireing a tutor. Remember that if you upgrade your crew the max TCB will increase if you have reached it. 2. The TCB during attack depends on the current cost of your tutors as well as the difference in the stats between the attacker and the defender. Not sure if the strength is considerred during dance-of and visa versa. Anyway, if you manage to hit someone with higher stats than you the bonus will be bigger. When you hit someone that is weaker than you the bonus will be small. 3. The tutor stats bonuses are added on top of yours BUT NOT ON TOP OF THE ONES THAT YOU GIVE TO YOUR PUPIL. It adds to your real stats. The ratio between your actual stats and your stats bonus is 1/50. This means that you have to hire 50 tutors with your stats to double them. I hope this will help, cheers!
It doesnt matter how many tutors you have. Theoretically you could hire a tutor with 200k str int. And it only costs 3k. They wouldnt doanything towards your "plunder bonus" which takes into account the price of the tutors you own. You can have max plunder with one tutor. Its normally around 2x the amount you get from fighing someone. If you look at tje breakdown. And this tutor with 200k stats would only really give you 200/50 =4k bonus to your actual stats. So if you had 2k str int. Then you would have 6k str int without any other tuzors or items. In battle. It would not change the base value. Rather the value with tutors items etc.