Truth 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Take_A_Chance_on_meAKA_PWND, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. Have you ever wanted to tell me im an ass?

    Well now you can because here you can say anything you want about me! Idc if it's good or bad, just say what you feel! you can tell me what i can do better or whatever! So get posting :lol: remember you can say anything you want about me idc :)
  2. Anything about me you want idc :)
  3. You failed!!! 
  4. Wow I should of been more specific
  5. Don't know you that well would like to know more about u
  6. You are a awesome person we never really talked but I'll miss you bye!
  7. Buy me the new mw game! That will make you a better person
  8. U seemed cool when i was at the pack